Our Products & Services
All of our products and services are founded on research-based behavioral science. This technology is built in and benefits your district regardless of the format you choose. The Bryan Group is the only firm that bases human resources and operational consulting on how humans actually think and behave!
Superintendent Search
When you need to find the best leader for your unique district, partner with The Bryan Group to get it right. Finding a great leader for your district or organization is a must-succeed situation! There is no time or resources to waste - you need someone who is going to lead your district in the right direction, the right way.
Superintendent Performance Review
This program provides school boards with an effective superintendent performance review process that supports state annual evaluation requirements. A quality superintendent evaluation process enables a district to focus on goals and the leader to be most effective in guiding the district to accomplish those goals.
Strategic Planning
Our strategic planning process builds community support and drives performance enhancements and job satisfaction at every level. This program gathers community and organization input and uses research-based behavioral science best practices (cutting-edge design thinking methodology, for example) which result in identifying the goals and next steps that will provide the most value for your unique district.
Hiring for Performance and Retention
If you hire right, retention is easy because your employees are great fits and love their jobs! The Bryan Group uses a behavioral science approach to recruiting and retention, creating targeted strategies designed to speak to what is most important to the people in each job in your organization. Walk away with innovative job design strategies you can use today.
Leader Self-Development
Top-performing leaders demonstrate certain thoughts and behaviors much more frequently than less effective leaders and managers. For those who are “natural” leaders, doing the right thing is second nature. For others, learning the leader influence mindset and competencies takes time and effort, but is doable and definitely worthwhile!
Building High Performing Teams
Schools do their best work when there is a true sense of community and ownership. This important work gets done through high performing teams within the district. Teams are particularly important in high demand environments - which schools are, particularly high schools. It’s important that everyone recognizes that teams are the engine and sustainers of positive change and this TBG program supports the design of the systems that support these essential teams!