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Dynamic Position Descriptions Part #4

August 26, 2021 | Bill Bryan

Focusing Quiz

All teams in my organization…. (circle appropriate score and sum when done)

  1. Have a clear and concise performance-based description or charter:

DISAGREE   1     2     3     4     5   AGREE

  1. Are audited on a regular basis to assess content, process, and outcome effectiveness:

DISAGREE   1     2     3     4     5   AGREE

  1. Have all key roles accurately described, to include measurable performance parameters:

DISAGREE   1     2     3     4     5   AGREE

  1. Are adequately resourced so they can fulfill its purpose within a stated timeframe:

DISAGREE   1     2     3     4     5   AGREE

  1. Are dissolved quickly when their usefulness is over or they consistently underperform:

DISAGREE   1     2     3     4     5   AGREE

TOTAL:                .  Implications:

  • 5-11: Wow!  You have a way to go, but tremendous opportunities for team and overall organization performance improvement.
  • 12-20: OK. It’s worth your time to dig deeper to discover team enhancement opportunities.
  • 21-25: Terrific! Do you have time to help us write the next team blog?


In a high percentage of organizations, teams are the engines of change and essential for innovation and the ongoing success of the organization.  As discussed with regard to individual jobs, role/position clarity is the number one predictor of productivity and satisfaction.  This is also the case for teams, as without a very clear overall description, the chances for productivity and team member satisfaction are low.  Even if your team or group has formal by-laws, these rules of operation are typically sterile when it comes to really describing the organic nature of the team and what it takes for team success.  What it takes is a Team Charter!

Team Charter Elements

The following charter elements, when clearly articulated, provide the foundation for top team performance.  When packaged well in a single document, it provides an effective tool for marketing the value of the team and for recruiting team members.


Want top team performance?  Creating clarity, clarity, and more clarity of performance expectations with regard to team content, process, and outcome requirements will get you there.  If you want further information on team charters, TBG has protocols and guidelines available for purchase to take you to the next level.  In addition to this, if you have questions on any of our blogs, a TBG team member is available to answer them live online/Zoom for an hour every Wednesday at 12:00 PM PT/3:00 PM ET. Email us at info@tbgleaders.com to get the link!

Our next set of blogs address how to build organization capacity and performance, particularly when dealing with, or in the aftermath, of stressful/traumatic events, e.g., COVID.

We know you might have questions about what we do, so please get in touch!