Michele L. Munson, Ed.D., is a TBG Senior Consultant. She brings thirty years in educational administration 16 years as a Superintendent, plus experience as assistant superintendent and bureau administration at the New Hampshire Department of Education, and NH EPSCoR. Through her work, she has demonstrated expertise in: researching and analyzing root causes of equity; promoting and integrating STEM; supporting teachers to develop and to use effective instructional practices; enhancing compensatory education strategies; developing differentiated and personalized curriculum; assisting school reform efforts; as well as planning and coordinating professional development, and student assessment. Having participated in many national projects and working with representatives from numerous states, she brings an understanding of varied state protocols and statutes to our work.

Michele also relies on 20 years of teaching and consulting that encompassed all grade levels (K-12) in multiple school systems in a wide range of economic, cultural, and demographic situations to enhance her understanding of the needs of schools, students, and communities.

A recognized educator of the Gifted, Michele, named New Hampshire Gifted Educator of the Year in 2005, has won numerous awards for; fostering creativity and innovation, and for developing the Connecticut Invention Convention, The Young Inventors and Creators Program with the US Patent and Trademark Office, and Innovations Across Generations programs. She was also one of the initiators of the University of New Hampshire’s Tech Camps that she directed for 7 years.

Michele is a strong advocate for public education and brings her expertise and excitement for helping school systems and their communities make a real difference to their children to our team.

We know you might have questions about what we do, so please get in touch!