Dr. Bill Preble is a Professor of Education at New England College (NEC) in Henniker, NH. He currently teaches in NEC’s Doctoral Program (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership, teaching courses on Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Contemporary Issues in K-12 Education and Educational Reform. He also teaches Educational Psychology and a course called, “Is Math Literacy a Civil Right?” in NEC’s undergraduate program. Bill was the 2015 Faculty of the Year Award Recipient from New England College’s Education Division and the 2011 Kilgore Award-winning Professor of the Year at NEC.
Bill is the founder and Executive Director of the Center for School Climate and Learning, a national research and professional development center that works with schools, diverse teams of student leaders, teachers and parents to understand and improve school climate, adult culture, school safety, and personalized teaching and learning.
Bill is a former elementary teacher, middle school social studies teacher and elementary school principal. Bill is the author of several books, chapters and articles including: Transforming School Climate and Learning written with Rick Gordon and The Respectful School co-written with Steven Wessler. He has published several articles in ASCD’s Educational Leadership journal about his work in schools as well as The New Hampshire Journal of Education.
Bill is married to Holly Preble and they have two adult children, Christopher and Anna Li. Bill is also a motivated and available drummer and cajon player.